Startup Stories – DigitalOcean – Tipping Point
Startup Stories: a series of short videos about Techstars companies focusing on a specific topics. This is a trailer for (3) short videos on DigitalOcean “Massive Growth, “A Saturated Market”, and “Tipping Point”.
Massive Growth
A Saturated Market
On the morning of January 15th 2013, DigitalOcean landed its first TechCrunch exclusive, catapulting its growth to new levels. From adding a handful of customers a day, to hundreds and now thousands, DigitalOcean has become the fastest growing cloud provider and one of the hottest tech startups on the east coast. Company strategy is guided by a simple principle: do we love what we’re doing? If we love it, we know our customers will too. “It requires a very special company to go do something outside the Valley,” Peter Levine, a partner at Andreessen Horowitz, said in an interview. “This is one of those.”
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Thanks to Audiosocket for a beautiful soundtrack!
This content was originally published here.