Startup Stories – DigitalOcean – Massive Growth

Startup Stories: a series of short videos about Techstars companies focusing on a specific topics. In this video we learn about DigitalOcean’s fast & massive growth, what their obstacles were and how they solved them.

A Saturated Market
Tipping Point

“We started signing up two customers a day in March 2012,” says CEO Ben Uretsky, “and two years later we’re signing up over a thousand customers a day.” Like every romantic startup story, DigitalOcean began with a big dream and a small team: brothers Ben and Moisey Uretsky, CMO Mitch Wainer, and Chief Architect Jeff Carr. Put on the map by a TechCrunch article back in 2013, the vision was to build a product that developers love by providing a great service that simplified web infrastructure. By the end of that same year, the company launched over a million droplets, attracted over 150,000 developers, and scaled to 50 employees which it plans to double in 2014. DigitalOcean wants to especially thank its amazing group of mentors who have helped guide them along the way: JP O’Brien, Jason Seats, Nicole Glaros, Brad Gillespie, and Jesse Beyroutey.

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Thanks to Audiosocket for a beautiful soundtrack!

This content was originally published here.