Pakistan Entrepreneurs | startups in Pakistan | startup stories | Pakistan startups

Why you have decided to become an entrepreneur.
Problems and hurdles related to small and medium startup
Fusion of IT with accountancy, suggestions of using ICT in startups
Job creation for domestic women through IT startups
Number of jobs created in a year

Pakistan startups | Pakistan Entrepreneurs | startups in Pakistan | Business ideas for unemployed youth | Startup stories

This startup stories brings you an amazing journey of an Entrepreneur’s success in Startup business, entrepreneur Muhammad Ali Awais Khan who is not only a top charted accountant but he is also a founder of Startup “Financial’s Unlimited”. Today’s interview shows a fascinating journey of an entrepreneur’s motivation to create thousands of jobs for the unemployed youth of Pakistan.

According to Entrepreneur Muhammad Ali Awais Khan’s analysis, if the policy makers of Pakistan take appropriate measures in Information & Technology sector it would lead to a Digital Revolution in Pakistan. Digital Revolution in IT sector has a great potential to boost Pakistan’s IT exports from 4 billion dollars to 50 billion dollars in a very short span of time. Further, Young Entrepreneur Muhammad Ali Awais Khan highlighted the importance of Artificial Intelligence in startup success stories.

As per his experience Startup stories starts with an business idea, how one can convert that business idea into a money making strategy? that should be the focus of all Young Entrepreneurs who want to enter into a Startup business. In addition, a great Startup strategy depends upon how efficiently Artificial Intelligence is used in a startup.

The idea of getting traditional degrees and then finding an appropriate job is not working for our country, we need to encourage the culture of entrepreneurship and young entrepreneurs so that the issues of huge unemployment in Pakistan should be addressed properly. Digital revolution is the only sustainable way to create millions of jobs for our unemployed youth.

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This content was originally published here.