Online Entrepreneur Certification – Making Money! Level 3
Level 3 – Making Money! Online Entrepreneur Certification – Making Money! Level 3 Rated 9.7 out of 10 : You Like This 9563 Share via Email Description You have a website, you have content, you know how to get traffic…now what? Time for THE MONEY. Once you understand how to get traffic and you start getting traffic, there are many ways in which you can earn revenue. In this course we are going to walk you through a number of ways you can earn money through your site. Lessons Included Lesson 1 Understanding the MONEY in Online Business Continue Training Here Lesson 2 Understanding Affiliate Programs & Networks Continue Training Here Lesson 3 Relevant Affiliate Programs are Everywhere Continue Training Here Lesson 4 Adding Affiliate Links to Your Pages Continue Training Here Lesson 5 Instant Access to MILLIONS of products Continue Training Here Lesson 6 Leveraging Product Reviews Continue Training Here Lesson 7 Getting Paid for Ads on Your Site Continue Training Here Lesson 8 Earning Pennies OR Dollars? Continue Training Here Lesson 9 A Brilliant Way to Track & Understand… Continue Training Here Lesson 10 With Help Comes Financial Success Continue Training Here Course Benefits & Learning Outcomes Fully comprehend the “Customer Purchase Lifecycle” process How to earn money through affiliate programs in your niche Understand the benefits of affiliate networks (and which ones are best) How to effectively incorporate affiliate links into your content Understanding the NUMBERS associated with a lucrative business in the online world Leveraging affiliate promo materials (images & banners) Where to gain instant access to promote MILLIONS of products within every niche imagineable How to add “shopping” widgets to your website Monetizing product reviews on your website How to get INSTANT access to product news within your industry How to benefit from Google Adsense on your site Using publishing network alternatives to your advantage Understanding the difference between earning big commissions or working for pennies on your site Earning revenue through singular product reviews A tricky advertising technique that very few people know about Member Reviews (77) Your Rating on this: Do you recommend this to others? Ty Johnson Premium Rank 27590 Ty Johnson rated this Course 10/10 There is some really great stuff in this course. I rate all 3 courses a full 10 so far and I am not an easy 10 believe me but these courses deserve it. I am looking forward to the next 3. Your Rating on this: Do you recommend this to others? Gordi Premium Rank 11023 Gordi rated this Course 10/10 Ok, I just finished level 3. It was so technical, that at times I really didn’t think I would ever grasp the technical side of my website. Well, I am glad to report that I finally got it! I am now able to incorporate affiliate links into my post without any problem whatsoever. I’ve also mastered how to add banners into my posts and side bar, and also learned how to create my very own custom banners! Very proud of that. As I go through my website, I am now really realizing how much I learned. All my links and banners are functional, my a-store is running, all my widgets are fine. I designed my own color scheme for a-store, to complement my website colors. As is take a step back to look at the overall picture, I am amazed how much I accomplished from the lessons presented. I don’t think there is any other place on the internet that teaches this level of quality and knowledge to its members. I am so glad to be here. It’s hard for me to believe I’ve only been at this less than 3 months.
As I go through my website, I am now really realizing how much I learned. All my links and banners are functional, my a-store is running, all my widgets are fine. I designed my own color scheme for a-store, to complement my website colors. As is take a step back to look at the overall picture, I am amazed how much I accomplished from the lessons presented. I don’t think there is any other place on the internet that teaches this level of quality and knowledge to its members. I am so glad to be here. It’s hard for me to believe I’ve only been at this less than 3 months. Your Rating on this: Do you recommend this to others? gillym1 Premium Rank 30062 gillym1 rated this Course 10/10 I have just completed to the end of level 2 – now I am thinking – hmmmm – I’ve made a few bad decisions with my choice of domain name etc and probably even my niche – which is a VERY popular niche and therefore hard to get rankings in. The good thing is – thiese courses are simple and easy to follow and it will not be a problem for me to go back to the beginning and create a whole new niche website from scratch using a better domain name and a differnt niche! All the knowledge you need is here – how you apply it will determine your level of success! Your Rating on this: Do you recommend this to others? Cyrilg Premium Rank 31489 Cyrilg rated this Course 10/10 I must admit i have been dipping my toe in W.A. after looking through this course. I realize just how much i do not know and how much i have to learn. I would rate this course as first class.. The bonus? you can keep going over everything as many times as you have to. And I really have to!. Some teaching on the web is a one off and that is it. Not so with W.A. Your Rating on this: Do you recommend this to others?