Black Woman Recovers from Life Support, Wins 2022 Miss Woman Entrepreneur International Title
, founder and CEO of Moore Financial Services and the Biz Credit Movement, and her team have been busy helping entrepreneurs build their businesses and their business credit.
She was crowned Miss Woman Entrepreneur International in August 2022, but not without going through a trial that would test her very ability to stay alive.
Felicia recalls the situation that led to her being on life support in June 2022. “During the pandemic, I did my best to take care of myself by taking my herbs and medicine, but I ended up slacking on taking my herbs and contracted COVID. People with autoimmune issues are not supposed to get sick,” she states.
“I felt my system shutting down part by part until I couldn’t breathe. My chest felt like it had 50 pounds of pressure on it, and I remember wishing this experience on no one.”
“I was blessed to be released on July 4. That was my Independence Day.”
“I received the crown as Miss Woman Entrepreneur International 2022.”
Felicia’s message is simple, “Take care of your health. Advocate for yourself because you know your body better than anyone. Entrepreneurs have added stress; they must maintain a healthy business. It is kind of difficult to do that when you have health issues, even though it’s possible.”
“I deal with many entrepreneurs who have health problems.”
She continued, “Some of them are new to business and disabled. They want businesses but are afraid to have a business for fear they will lose their disability. She recalls recently working with a former NFL player for the Green Bay Packers who was in this situation. He needed help making sure his business was set up properly so that he didn’t risk losing his NFL disability.”
“Our team works together with the client, an in-network attorney as well as an accountant to set their businesses up for them to be able to maintain their disability payments. They don’t have to hide their income. They work as an employee for that company and maintain compliance with disability regulations.”
Felicia plans to use the title of Miss Woman Entrepreneur International to help spread a message of comfort and hope to those who need it.
“During this next year, I want to be a light and a source of encouragement to business owners and others who are disabled and suffer chronic health disorders.”
“They need to see that anything is possible with belief and actions. Those with Myasthenia Gravis and other autoimmune disorders don’t have to feel helpless. A lot of what we go through can be controlled by having a strong mental disposition and faith.” Usually, people may perceive those with health issues as weak but in many cases, it’s just the opposite, and that’s why Felicia doesn’t mind sharing her ordeal and journey with others.
To celebrate this title, Felicia has opened up the opportunity to purchase the remaining copies of . Her book guides entrepreneurs on how to properly apply for grant money. There are billions of dollars of this money that doesn’t have to be paid back, and Felicia wants to help entrepreneurs access it without the need of hiring a grant writer. It can be purchased for half-off the retail price at The availability of the book has been very limited because the website closes to the ability to purchase this book in rounds.
She comments, “I want to put the buyers in the mindset of what it takes to obtain a grant. Grants are released in rounds and have deadlines to apply, and that’s how I’m releasing this book. Once it’s sold out, I plan on putting it in the Metaverse. With the purchase, a certificate of authenticity is provided with your book. It’s a very special book that is packed with valuable information. You want to grab this book before the 200 copies are sold out.”
Apart from being a beauty queen and business credibility specialist, Felicia is also an award-winning artist, an author, a certified grant writer, and a business and bankruptcy paralegal. She also received certification in Global Entrepreneurship through UCLA and has been working with business owners for over 10 years. She resides with her family in Texas.
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