Biden on black entrepreneurs: “they don’t have lawyers” or “accountants”
TULSA, OK – During a speaking event where President Joe Biden delivered commentary regarding the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa/Black Wall Street Massacre, where during the speech President Biden managed to make comments about black entrepreneurs that have stirred criticism over the perceived soft bigotry of the comment.
As Far As Having An Accountant, I Have An MBA..
Joe Biden: Young Black Entrepreneurs ‘Don’t Have Lawyers or Accountants’ to Succeed
— Patricia Dickson (@Patrici15767099) June 2, 2021
On June 1st, President Biden was proclaiming that black entrepreneurs require more assistance from the federal government, since these young entrepreneurs don’t have access to the likes of “lawyers” and “accountants”:
“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding, given the chance, as white entrepreneurs are, but they don’t have lawyers, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.”
BIDEN: “…young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are, but they don’t have lawyers, they don’t have accountants…”
— (@townhallcom) June 1, 2021
Needless to say, the comment from the president was weird on a couple levels, and reasonably garnered some criticism over what President Biden meant by when saying the aforementioned.
Florida Republican congressional candidate Lavern Spicer was among those who responded online to the strange commentary from the president:
“I’m black and I know exactly where to get lawyers and accountants, you racist.”
I’m black and I know exactly where to get lawyers and accountants, you racist.
— Lavern Spicer (@lavern_spicer) June 1, 2021
One person responded to Spicer’s comments about President Biden’s sentiments on black entrepreneurs, writing:
“Focus on his words, he didn’t say where to find them, he said ‘but they don’t have lawyers, they don’t have accountants…’”
Which when the Twitter user mentioned to focus on Biden’s literal “words”, another Twitter user responded with their outrage as well – even when interpreting President Biden’s words in a literal sense:
“What makes you think they don’t have lawyers and accountants? Oh wait, the mainstream media said that. Understanding why this bull crap narrative is being spewed.”
What makes you think they don’t have lawyers and accountants? Oh wait, the mainstream media said that. Understanding why this bull crap narrative is being spewed
— Cheval John, Social Media Professional (@chevd80) June 2, 2021
Even those on the political left aren’t amused with President Biden’s comments, with one person commenting:
“Whenever he freestyles the Dixiecrat comes out.”
Whenever he freestyles the dixiecrat comes out
— bishop – Outside Agitator (@bishop_chui) June 2, 2021
Recording artist Patriot J also commented on the matter, writing:
“If black people don’t have lawyers how am I studying for the bar exam right now lmaooooo.”
If black people don’t have lawyers how am I studying for the bar exam right now lmaooooo
— Patriot J ? (@sirhottest) June 2, 2021
Biden just seems to have a history when it comes to making comments that come across as denigrating toward black Americans.
During the campaign trail, he promulgated the notion that black Americans are essentially a monolith when he proclaimed that a black person “ain’t black” if they failed to cast a vote for him during the election.
Here’s the background on that awkward comment back in May of 2020.
Apparently, Joe Biden has the ability to revoke the proverbial “black card,” at least that’s what it seems after an interview he had with radio personality Charlamagne tha God.
There are some things that Joe Biden reportedly says on camera that makes one wonder if he actually said that. Well, in this case, Biden has managed to provide another verbal gaffe, by saying:
“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Retweet if you think this sounds racist AF!!!
Imagine if Donald Trump said this…
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 22, 2020
In the video interview that runs roughly 18 minutes between the radio personality and Biden, toward the end Charlamagne simply says:
“It’s a long way until November, we’ve got more questions.”
In response, that’s when Biden stated that if someone supports President Donald Trump over himself, then they’re not “black.”
It’s unclear whether Biden implied that no black American would ever support the current president come November, or that someone who is a black American that supports Trump over himself isn’t genuinely black.
The comments from @JoeBiden were truly offensive, but a rare and honest insight into liberals thinking.
Liberals believe you really can’t be black, Latino, female, or intelligent unless you support their liberal agenda.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) May 22, 2020
For those unaware of the proverbial black card, which Biden may have been leaning toward when saying those who support Trump over him “ain’t black,” it’s sometimes used to convey a compliment or even a contemptuous take on one’s actions.
It all depends on the context it’s used in, but it’s almost always used within the black community.
While the Urban Dictionary sometimes can be a tad tongue in cheek with their “definitions” of terms not widely defined elsewhere, it manages to do a bang-up job describing the widely accepted connotation of the “black card”:
“An imaginary card that all black people are born with and that mixed people have to earn that is constantly under threat of being revoked if said black person does not act black enough or in proper black ways. Mostly kind of ridiculous and based on stereotypes.”
Biden’s words during said interview point to him potentially implying that if black Americans don’t act in a certain way, then they’re not actually black.
No matter what his meaning was behind the statement, there are really no redeeming qualities to the uttered words. There’s simply no possible context that can be derived from the exchange between Charlamagne and Biden that can attribute any potential positive “spin” on this latest gaffe.
Biden to Sen. Tim Scott: “You ain’t black.”
Biden to Ben Carson: “You ain’t black.”
Biden to the 1.2 million black Americans who voted Trump in 2016: “You ain’t black.” There is something wrong with Joe Biden.
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) May 22, 2020
Because no matter how you look at the spoken words, it can only mean that Biden says black Americans aren’t authentically black by voting red this November or that black Americans would never vote red this November.
Either or deciphered meaning is both insulting to black Americans, and demonstrably false.
Senior Joe Biden campaign advisor Symone Sanders asserted Friday that the former Vice President’s “you ain’t black” gaffe on The Breakfast Club was actually a joke.
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) May 22, 2020
Biden’s senior campaign advisor Symone Sanders said that the comment was made “in jest.”
On social media, Sanders said:
“Vice President Biden spent his career fighting alongside and for the African American community. He won his party’s nomination by earning every vote and meeting people where they are and that’s exactly what he intends to do this November.
Oh my goodness. Dems really will look the other way and defend anything a fellow Dem does. If he had shot the guy on live TV, they would find a way around it…
— CommonSenseGuy (@MattDam21504739) May 22, 2020
“The comments made at the end of the Breakfast Club interview were in jest, but let’s be clear about what the VP was saying: he was making the distinction that he would put his record with the African American community up against Trump’s any day. Period.”
Social media has not been kind to Sanders’ comments. Many said that if a Republican had made such comments, the media would be all over them demanding apologies.
But this interview provided more than just Biden making unsavvy remarks regarding the black community in America – he also managed to make some even more ridiculous claims about what “everybody has in common in jail.”
Here are Biden’s very words on the matter:
“There’s only a couple things everybody has in common in jail. One is they were the victims of abuse, or their kids, or their mother was. Number two, can’t read. Number three, they don’t have any job skills. They were in a position where they didn’t get a chance.”
Well, those are quite the hefty claims right there.
So, are any of them true?
The answer is no.
Not one shred of those claims about what “everybody has in common in jail” is true. There’s literally zero data to support that every inmate ever jailed was either abused, their children was abused, or their mother was.
According to @JoeBiden on @breakfastclubam this morning: “there’s only a couple things everybody has in common in jail:
1. Either they were a victim of abuse or their mother was
2. Can’t read
3. No job skills
This is an especially cursed opinion even from Biden.
Now, the notion that all jailed inmates “can’t read” is laughable on its face.
Plenty of people in both jail and prison can read just fine. If that were the case, you’d have zero jailed inmates being able to successfully fight their legal cases by examining briefs while awaiting trial.
Furthermore, if jailed inmates couldn’t read, then why do people bother sending letters to their loved ones in jail?
The real winner of Biden’s preposterous claims about jailed inmates is “they don’t have any job skills.”
Once again, complete nonsense.
Because i believe in receipts, here’s @JoeBiden’s record with African Americans.
— Unregistered John Oliver Clone??️???? (@policyaboveall) May 22, 2020
Plenty of people who make their way into the wrong side of a jail cell had jobs and even full-blown careers prior to being jailed. Once someone goes to jail, their previously acquired job skills don’t just magically vanish from their brains.
After Biden went onto a rant pertaining to the criminal justice system relating to societal reintegration, even a campaign staffer of Biden’s in the background attempted to end the interview from going on any further.
In the background of the video on Biden’s end you can hear someone say:
“So sorry, that’s our time, there.”
Which obviously wasn’t the case, as Biden decided to continue on for several more minutes, leading up to that “you ain’t black” comment. It seems that the most damaging element to Biden’s presidential run has been his unscripted mouth.
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